Monday, April 29, 2019

G'day, mate, part 3...

We stayed in AirBnb's in Perth. Our first Air BnB was in South Perth near downtown, and that was a great location for exploring, even if the place was a bit small. We had a 2 bedroom unit on the ground floor of an apartment building in a residential neighborhood, and it cost us about $95 a night. Not bad for a family of 5! There was a yard right outside of the sliding glass doors, and the boys ran around out there to get out some energy.

Our second AirBnb was a little farther out, but it was larger and nicer. It was also in a cute neighborhood of neat bungalows that looked like they dropped right out of the 1940's. The boys could walk to a little playground less than half a block down the street while I made dinner. We even had enough room there to invite the family over for dinner. They brought meat pies from a bakery, and Jennifer made a pavlova for us to try for dessert.

When I found out about the Perth Mint, I knew that Evan would love it. He's my coin collector. Western Australia had its own gold rush in the late 1800's. The Perth Mint converted the gold that the miners were finding into gold bars, and it still refines gold today. Western Australia is home to a lot of mines.

The Perth Mint has the largest gold coin in the world. It weighs a literal ton. They decided to cast one that would beat Canada's record hollow, and they did. ;)

Evan and Ben posing with huge gold nugget replicas.

You could weigh yourself and find out how much you'd be worth that day if you were made of gold. 

More playgrounds. A lot of them had flying foxes (long ziplines). Evan especially liked those.

I enjoyed watching this guy mow the grass. Make note of the hat he's wearing. No baseball cap for him. :)

The people in Australia seemed to take a lot of pride in taking care of their homes. I loved walking the neighborhood in the evenings with the boys and looking at the neat yards and picket fences and smelling the eucalyptus that seems to be everywhere. I'd love to go back one day. Australia was really good to us.

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