Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Vacation to Puerto Galera, take 1

About a month ago, we booked a few days at a resort at an island near here called Puerto Galera. In order to get there, you drive 2 hours from Manila to a port, and then you take a ferry or private boat for another hour ride to the island.

We asked the resort to send a driver to pick us up. (This was actually cheaper than renting a car we could drive there ourselves. Yes, this is backwards world.) He got us to the port, and it was crowded and confusing, and a bunch of guys showed up and started picking up our bags and then disappeared with them. (I was a wee bit stressed until they reappeared.) We were motioned onto a boat, and the picture below shows where they put our suitcases. Yes, on the prow of the boat. No ropes. Those are for sissies, clearly.

Just Seth and David and another happy ferry passenger. :)

Once the ferry was full of us and about 150 of our closest friends, we headed out. Notice our boat captain. About halfway through our trip, he dropped his water bottle cap. David and I noticed each other noticing him drop his bottle cap. What would he do? He's driving a boat. Would he pick it up? Why, yes, yes he would. Just left the wheel for a second, bent down, felt around for it, and got it back. Then he went back to driving.

I started laughing. I couldn't help it. Then David started laughing. The boys were asking us what we were laughing about, and we told them later, but I think I was really laughing as much about the weirdness of all the things we'd done that day as anything else, and that was the last straw. :)

Mom and Dad, don't worry. We'll take the private boat when you come to visit. :)

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